Friends in the Woods

too close gear

too close gear

elevators guard dogs

check-out lines

coughing sneezing

social distancing

elevators guard dogs

check-out lines

coughing sneezing

social distancing


too close gear


too close gear

Soft Scribble Heart

Too Close Gear was concieved onboard a ship with 2 elevator banks for 4,000 passengers.

Too many people too close all of the time. What else is too close? That other boat next to your fishin' hole. The car behind you. Economy class airplane seats. Social distancing has always been cool, it just took a pandemic to make it popular.

Our philosophy

Our philosophy

Shopping simplified

What's special about your product, service, or company? Use this space to highlight the things that set you apart from your competition, whether it's a special feature, a unique philosophy, or awards and recognition that you have received. Think of this as your elevator pitch to get the reader's attention.

Soft Scribble Heart

Brands you love

What's special about your product, service, or company? Use this space to highlight the things that set you apart from your competition, whether it's a special feature, a unique philosophy, or awards and recognition that you have received. Think of this as your elevator pitch to get the reader's attention.

Meet the team behind Too Close Gear


Founder / Chief Vision Officer


Chief Operating Officer


Chief Marketing Officer

We are committed to a

We are committed to a

zero-waste, uncrowded future.

Soft Scribble Heart
Contemporary Loose Handdrawn Paper Bag
Contemporary Loose Handdrawn Price Tag
Contemporary Loose Handdrawn Green Bulb

Plastic-free Packaging

Return & Recycle Program

Sustainable Suppliers

Rough Abstract U Tape

too close gear

too close gear

Underline Brushstroke Doodle

Join our community

Soft Scribble Heart

Becker Minnesota USA

Tel: +1 763 228-7611

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